Semogue 2015HD

Sem 2015 HD
(3 reviews)
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The Semogue 2015HD is a premium silvertip badger brush with velvet soft tips. It is a luxurious brush and features a fine Portuguese oak handle. The Semogue line of brushes has become the most desirable shaving accessory due to their finely crafted quality and outstanding stylish appearance. The Semogue 2015 features a high density knot.

  • Portuguese Oak Handle
  • High Density Silvertip Badger Hair
  • 22mm Knot
  • 44mm Handle
  • 57mm Loft



  • 5

    Posted by Pawel on 18th Feb 2015

    Really good Brush for building lather on face, I don't know how it will behave over time but at the minute I'm very happy with it (using for 1 month)

  • 5
    I agree with chris

    Posted by Tim O'Regan on 10th Jan 2014

    Excellent brush, Great later and nice and soft application.

  • 5
    Great all round brush

    Posted by Chris on 22nd Sep 2013

    Have been using this Silver Tip brush for the past seven months, and all I have say is that this is one of the best brushes for getting a great lather from either with soap or cream I have used in all the years I have been wet shaving. Would highly recommend this brush to anyone who just wants the best shaving brush.